How to Care For African Violets
African violets are popular flowering plants that thrive indoors. Native to the East African continent, they are low-maintenance despite their reputation for being fickle. African violets have fuzzy, velveteen leaves and produce blossoms in myriad shapes just above the leafline. Bloom colours range from white and blue to pink, lavender, and dark purple. With proper care and maintenance - including careful pruning of dead leaves and blossoms and a warm, humid environment - African violets will bloom again multiple times throughout the year. To propagate and transplant African violets, follow standard protocol for adult plants.
African Violet Light Needs
African violets do best with bright, indirect light for 12 hours daily. Avoid direct sunlight. If your African violet looks leggy - tall with only a few leaves on its stems - it needs more light. The plant needs less light if the deep green leaves lose colour saturation and become pale.
How Often to Water African Violets
Water African violets from below for no more than 30 minutes at a time or use a wick system as watering from the top can harm the leaves and flowers. Don't oversaturate or leave in excess water. Ensure the soil is well-draining to avoid root rot.
Bring some green into your home now!
Follow these guidelines and watch your plants thrive and become cherished living decor in your home. Their vibrant colour, freshness, and vitality provide daily health and well-being benefits that will make you feel like you are living in a garden paradise.