Favourites in Just Because
All Aglow Bouquet
Autumn Splendour Bouquet
Blue Horizons
Blush Life Bouquet
Colour Craze
Pink Pursuits Bouquet
Garden Oasis
Garden Oasis
Enchanted Cottage
Beautiful Day Bouquet
Angelique Bouquet
Possibly Pink Bouquet
Flutter By Bouquet
Fashionista Blooms
Sophisticated Whimsy Bouquet
Bright Days Ahead Bouquet
Pretty Teatime Bouquet
Pink Posh Bouquet
Daisy Daydreams
Sweet Surprises Bouquet
Pure Bliss Bouquet
Dutch Garden Bouquet
Tranquil Bouquet
Sundance Bouquet
Iridescent Dream Bouquet
Send Flowers Just Because
Let your special someone know that you're thinking of them, without waiting for a holiday or special occasion to do it. Send flowers "just because!" from Ital Florist, your local Toronto flower shop. Next-day service available to Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. Order online or call today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it okay to send flowers just because you want to?
Of course! We always encourage sending flowers just because you want to. There's never a bad time to send flowers, and you definitely don't need to wait for a holiday or special occasion. You can send flowers because someone is on your mind, because you want to brighten their day, or just because it's a regular old Tuesday.
What type of flowers are best for "just because"?
Our advice: Choosing to send their favourite flower variety when you are sending flowers "just because" is the most thoughtful gesture. But what if you're not sure what their favourite flowers are? We suggest sticking with classic roses, lilies, hydrangeas and other customer favourites – all of which you can find right here at Ital Florist!
What does each flower represent?
Roses can represent romance, but have you ever thought of what lilies represent? Or daisies, orchids, or peonies? Are you hoping to send a subtle message to your beloved with a bouquet of meaningful flowers? Peruse our Flower Dictionary to learn the language of flowers and choose the arrangement that says exactly what you're hoping to convey.
What do you say when giving a gift just because?
Speak from the heart! Let your recipient know who is sending them flowers and why, even if the reason is "you're on my mind." Here are some messages to write in a "just because!" card along with your flowers:
Hope these flowers brighten your day!
Just because I love you.
Have a fantastic day, [Name].
Remember to stop and smell the roses!
Sometimes the best reason for flowers is no reason at all. Enjoy!
Is it okay to send flowers anonymously?
We recommend against sending flowers anonymously, especially in cases when you are not already in an established relationship with the recipient. Anonymity robs the recipient of being able to properly thank you and can be unsettling.. But that doesn't mean you have to be formal or stuffy – feel free to use a nickname or mention an inside joke to give them a strong hint!